Monday, May 28, 2012

Singles dating others with Kids

This seems to be a hot topic and many people come out on different sides of the coin. Should a man or woman date another person who has a kid or kids from a previous relationship? My answer is: it depends. First and foremost, women or men that require attention to the umpteenth power should not. If you're an adult about the situation and realize that the child or children will come first then, that's part of the battle. Next, BABY MAMA DRAMA or BABY DADDY DRAMA! It is out there but can be handled. I'll say if you're a single person just dating, don't date a person with kids. 1, you'll never know if you can handle the situation because you shouldn't meet the kids until you know the relationship is going further. It creates a false sense of "dating" because all you're exposed to is the relationship between you two. Sure, he may run to take calls or pay bills, or she may have the kids at her parents so she can date, but in the end you won't know if you can handle playing mom or stepdad until the situation mirrors what it will be if the kids become a part of the relationship. I know a relationship is part love, committment, and communication. But a lot more goes into it than that. Single fathers: realize that if she's going to be the main lady or wife or whatever, treat her as such. I'm not saying to neglect your kids, but realize that kids and the mother can be manipulative and you as a man have to be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to keep your mate happy. Otherwise you might find yourself alone or with a single mom with her own children. Single mothers: Realize your kids come first and don't neglect them for a "good man" but learn to balance it. Make time to spend with your man and make sure your kids understand that they are not being put on the back burner. People talk about the kids, but nobody focuses on the relationship. Both parents or people deserve to be happy and once the children are grown and on their own, what's left? Loneliness? Frustration? Regret? A relationship is never easy and a relationship that can lead to an immediate family is even harder. But if both people talk, communicate, speak up when necessary, and are willing to make sacrifices on both sides, the relationship may have a chance. Kids don't equal doom, they equal sacrifice. Don't take on more than you can chew and don't be so desperate for love that you will fall for anything or anyone. But if you find someone who truly loves you and you can return the same intensity of love and committment, overcome that hurdle first and go into the situation open-mindedly and cautiously. It may just work out. If not, take it with a grain of salt (lesson learned) and move forward. Heartache and tears aren't permanent.

Monday, March 28, 2011

When Religon Crosses the Line to Religious

Some people don't know the difference between religion and being religious. People who have a religion have a common set of beliefs and worship the same God. They have a set of morals that govern them and the way in which they structure their lives. People who are religious may have a particular religion but their goal isn't to teach people; it's to persuade people.
I, myself, am a person who believes in religion. I worship God and that's the key force for how I live my life. I don't agree with religious methods. Point: we were having a discussion at work this past Thursday and this man was trying to force this girl to believe in Jesus. I'm all for teaching someone Christian ways and beliefs but you can't force someone to believe. It's not true faith. You can lead a horse to water but if you force it to drink it may drown before it understands you're wanting it to drink.
I have a personal relationship with the Lord because it's been a personal walk that I had to take myself. No one could tell me how great God was. I wanted to see for myself. Anyone that wants to win someone over because they feel their religion is the ultimate religion needs to realize that providing facts and personal testimony is a bigger soul winner then trying to convert a Christian. Catch bees with honey, not vinegar.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Protecting Your Own

Settling is never an option. You know why people settle? Because they either feel like they aren’t worth much or they’ve gone through so much bull that they figure that’s all they’ll ever get from any situation.
Now, just speaking to the ladies right now: How many times do men mention pre-numps? If they are making more money than you, they damn sure want to make sure you don’t walk away with half of what they worked so hard to get. They are PROTECTING THEIR OWN! So, when men want to call you a gold digger because you ask him about his money, let him know you’re protecting your own as well.
Don’t get it twisted. There are some scheming heffas who are money-hungry skeezers. But at the end of the day realize that as a human you must protect your assets, including your heart and your sex. They say real recognize real. Well, how many “real niggas” or “down-ass bitches” you know who have screwed someone over? Tons of them. So obviously real doesn’t recognize real if you’re fake. So, to all my ladies and my fellas, protect your own. Recognize your worth and learn to play the game of life. In the end most of us want a happy ending.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sad World

I cannot bear ignorant people. I think that the economy is in the state its in because of ignorant people. I’m not speaking of people who do dumb or irresponsible things. I mean people who put $1 on their credit card. Why not use a dang debit?!!!!! The interest you’re going to accrue on that dollar is not worth it, especially if that’s the only purchase that you made for that day. People don’t realize that swiping a card isn’t something that should be done frivolously. Just because you have an AMEX doesn’t mean that you should just chuck it up to an “oh I have money” attitude. And then on top of that you have the nerve to be cheap? Who the hell puts a $1 on a credit card? Ugh, people! And then you have people who would rather spend $8 at KFC instead of taking the money and buying rice and a pack for chicken to feed the family for at least a few days! Think people, think! I just notice the world around me and people make me so sad. The saddest part is that these ignorant are teaching their children their same ignorant ways. The circle of ignorance continues.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Striking Resemblance

I normally do not care about who's dating whom in the celebrity world. However, Chris Brown's new girlfriend sure looks a lot like Rihanna. Well, Jasmine is older, so I guess Rihanna looks like her. Either way: 1st one is Jasmin. 2nd is Rihanna.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Internal/External Fight

What is it called when you can't even agree with yourself? Internal conflict? Confusion? What does it mean when people make a comment and even in surety you still down your own emotions?
People say words are words, but words are bullets with meaning. It's no longer how something is said but what is said. Words are something that will be harped on forever, yet some people think others should remain silent. Purpose? Stupidity.
Maybe this is as much for myself as it is for others in a similar state of confusion. I'm so sure I know what I want I'm confused. I'm so in tuned with my inner self that I can psychoanalyze my own actions, fears, and setbacks. But why do I still continue to do as I do? Force of habit? Dire need? I don't know.
I do know that depsite all my insecurites, fears, flaws, and inability to make great decisions at times, I will continue reaching for the mark. I won't let those things affect who I truly am. For God said it best, "I am".
I let my insides fight with my outsides, but in the middle I stand and maybe will I forever be.