Monday, March 1, 2010

What is This World Coming to?

This weekend my nephew blew $70 on a stupid video game. In the game you kill zombies and witches and shoot guns, the whole nine. Well, not only is the game a sad depiction of reality (come on zombies don't bleed, right?) but you get to choose from a host of different weapons. Now, my nephew is smart but still needs some fine tuning in the writing and grammar area. He was able to identify all the guns and knives on the game. So, I say to him, "You seem to know all the types of guns but can't quite get your Math and English on track. What's up with that?" His response was, "Guns motivate me. I'm trying to kill these zombies." I was dumbfounded. I started thinking and asked myself, "Do we have to incorporate video games into the educational system in order for children, namely boys, to learn?" When I was younger, we weren't allowed to go outside until the homework was done and you had better not turn the TV on either. If we did go outside, we had to be in by 7 to make sure we had our baths and were in bed by 8. My mom was not having her kids be late for school because they overslept. Not in her house. Kids nowadays have no idea what true work ethic and dedication is. They want to smoke, drink, and just get by. My niece got a D. Her reply was at least I didn't fail. Really? You'll fail at life with that attitude. I know parenting has a lot to do with it but there comes a point and time where if you're old enough to walk to the store or beg for the newest MP3, you need to take some responsibility and make your own GOOD decisions. If kids this generation are our future we're all screwed.

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